Book boyfriends don't have to be perfect - in fact, it's always more interesting if they aren't. And you don't have to be perfect for them. Book boyfriends don't care if you meet up with them dressed to the nines - or wearing sweats with your hair all pulled up and no makeup. It doesn't bother them if you sneak in five minutes here and ten minutes there. And when you're done with them, book boyfriends don't mind being passed along to your friends so they can fall in love with them, too.
Some of the book boyfriends I still think about include Darcy (of course!) from PRIDE AND PREJUDICE, Jamie, from Diana Gabaldon's OUTLANDER series, Owen, from Sarah Dessen's JUST LISTEN and Jesse, the hot Spanish ghost in Meg Cabot's MEDIATOR series. How about you? Who are some of your most memorable book boyfriends? What makes them so?
I LOVE Darcy. I really liked Gilbert and Teddy (from the Emily series.) Wes from The Truth about Forever and Peeta from the Hunger Games. I know there's many more that I'm forgetting...
MR. DAAARRRCCYYYYY!!!! XOXOXO I love him more than words can say. He is like a gift to woman kind.
I love book boyfriends! I adore Mr Rochester (Jane Eyre), Gabriel (Blood and Chocolate) and Numair (Tamora Pierce's The Immortals series.) I revisit these boyfriends again and again, and I love them dearly! Jamie's adorable too :)
Oh, Mr. Rochester from Jane Eyre--be still my heart!! Heathcliff from Wuthering Heights too--I know I could tame him!
YA - yes, there are so many! My list could have been pages long!
Oh, yes, EA, And he set the bar sooo high. *sigh*
Ah, Rhiannon. Gabriel. (sighs) Numair! Mr. Rochester. (sighs again...)
Oh, yes, Alyson! How could I forget poor, tortured Heathcliff. (more sighs.)
Jace from The Mortsl Instruments trilogy, WEs from The Truth About Forever and Dimitri from Vampire Academy are my favourites. They're all a bit badass...
Ooh, I was gonna say Jace!! We did a readergirlz live chat with Cassie Clare last night and everyone was fighting over him!
There are many a book boy I am infatuated with. I may have to do my own entire post on them. Just too many to name right now. Darcy does seem to be a natural favorite though, eh? :)
And I am SO glad you mentioned Jesse from the Mediator series. He's one of those fantastic unknowns, in my opinion.
Definitely DARCY!!!!
I was just thinking about Jesse from Mediator as I was reading this! Rob from Lightening Girl series also...:) xxx
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