At the moment I'm a judge in the Romance Writers of America's Rita contest. I love judging because I'm sent 6 to 8 books to read and many are authors I haven't read before. If I enjoy a book I can add that author's name to my list. Because, to be honest, my reading time is so precious I rarely buy a book by an author I haven't read before, or that I don't know personally, or that hasn't been recommended to me.
It's not that I don't want to try new authors, it's just that I don't want to risk not liking a book when I know that there are authors out there who never disappoint!
What about you.... do you try lots of authors or stick to those you know?
I love reading a debut author, and I have my favorites too. But I definitely try to spread the love around. It's a good problem to have, too many books. :)
I try lots of authors. And I pick based on three factors: 1)recommendations 2)cover 3)inside blurb
I like trying lots, because I want to extend my home library. I either read it in a bookstore or get it from the library, and if I'm still thinking about it a couple months later I go out and buy it. I only buy books I would read again, not just for the sake of having them.
I definitely pay attention to books that are recommended to me or written by friends or favorite authors, but I'm also one who'll pick up a book that catches my eye, and if the cover copy sounds intriguing, I'll buy it.
I read a lot of the same authors book whom I've liked their other previous book ... but I got into a habit of rating them on Amazon.com and using their recommendations section.
Or I browse the library or any bookstore and see what catches my eye.
I definitely have a list of favorite authors, but I do read a lot of new authors as well. This year I'm concentrating on 2010 debut authors and I haven't been disappointed yet!
I love to buy new debut authors but I usally try to sick with the same genre. But there are those few authors like Jame Patterson and John Grisham that when they have a new book out I'm at my bookstore the day it released to get my copy. :)
I tend to buy authors I love and read new authors from the library. However, I also try and buy as many debut author books as I can because you've got to support new authors!!!
I love discovering new authors to read in different genres!
I literally read a little bit of everything.
I try new authors based on reviews and recommendations of other bloggers but most are ones I've read before. If a debut author is recommended by one of my favorite authors I'm much more likely to give them a try. I also check out Amazon's reviews for books that have been out awhile.
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