I absolutely love the month of October. Mainly because it's so beautiful weather- and scenery-wise, and also because Halloween is my favorite holiday. This October in particular has been even more wonderful than ever, and here's a quick summary of what all has been going on.
First, YA and MG author Sydney Salter (who wrote My Big Nose and Other Natural Disasters, Swoon at Your Own Risk, and Jungle Crossing) and I have been chosen by one of the most inspirational teachers I've ever met, Cassie Cox, to instruct a writing course at an alternative high school in Ogden, Utah. The class is made up of about 20 students who are serious about writing, many even want to be professional writers someday. So every Tuesday for 12 weeks, one or both of us show up bright and early and demonstrate what it takes to write a novel, short story, poem, etc. Here is a newspaper article about it if you want to know more: CLICK HERE. Anyway, if you can't tell, I'm over the moon about this opportunity and it's truly one of the best things to happen to me since having become a published author.
Second, I've been editing an anthology for a fascinating group of professionals, the majority of whom are Asian American and living in California. The book, Pho for Life: A Melting Pot of Thoughts, comes out in December and even though it's been a lot of hard work on many different levels, the final product is going to be simply amazing. People are always asking me how I became involved in this particular project and it all goes back to the MySpace days, when Mai Bui, who's heading up the project, asked me to do some light editing for Thirteen Minutes magazine. We've kept in touch all this time and I was deeply honored to be asked to edit their first book. (Yes, there will be more to come.) Here's the web-site if you want to take a peek and/or get involved: CLICK HERE.
Third, October has been a great month for hanging out with some of my favorite authors, including our very own Lin
Has your October been as exciting and memorable as mine? Do tell! :)
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Wow. Amazing post, Wendy! Fanatastic to hear that things have been rolling for you :)
October's been hectic for me in a good way. We had a string of festivals, which kept me up all night and day. So I have some sleep to catch up on.
I'm sure the festivals were a hit!
ah, sleep. another wonderful thing about fall. cozy blankets, warm pjs! :)
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As I lay my love on you
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There will be no white flag above my door
I'm in love and always will be
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She had so much to live for
But she fell in love
With the wrong kinda man
He abused her love and treated her so bad
There was not enough education in her world
That could save the life of this little girl
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Follow me through my past
I was on a Paris train
I emerged in London rain
And you were waiting there
Swimming through apologies
I can say your painting is far from crap if these are the results you produce! I'd be more than happy with that standard of painting. Thanks also for the tip of using a dark green-gray as a highlight for black. I will try it. I find a sand/buff color useful for red highlights.
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I can say your painting is far from crap if these are the results you produce! I'd be more than happy with that standard of painting. Thanks also for the tip of using a dark green-gray as a highlight for black. I will try it. I find a sand/buff color useful for red highlights.
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Mars ain't the kind of place to raise your kids
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And all this science I don't understand
It's just my job five days a week
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And when I'm lost in a dream
You are all I can see
All alone in the night I'm waiting for you
Every moment I'd die
Just to look in your eyes
The dream is alive
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I miss your kiss
I even miss the arguments
That we would have from time to time
I miss you standing by my side
I'm dying here its clear to see
There ain't no you, God knows there ain't no me
Don't want to live, I want to die
If I can't have you in my life
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And every heart that's broken will be mended
And we'll remember we are all God's children
Reaching out to touch you
Reaching to the sky
We ask that life be kind, and watch us from above
We hope each soul will find another soul to love
Let this be our prayer, just like every child
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Deep in the stillness
I can hear you speak
You're still an inspiration
Can it be
That you are mine
Forever love
And you are watching over me from up above
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To where you are
Beyond the distant star
I wish upon tonight
To see you smile
If only for awhile
To know you're there
A breath away's not far
To where you are
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I know you wanna hit that hit that
Everybody's gettin' with, I say
Consequences are a lot, but hey
That's the way it
That's the way things go
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This romeo is bleeding
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It's nothing but some feelings
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All I know
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And nobody knows it but me
I carry smile when I'm broken in two
And I'm nobody without someone like you
I'm trembling inside
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But you're the only one who can turn me back on
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I'm gonna unload my heart
And hope you come back to me
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