SAVING ZOE recently won the National Reader's Choice Award-- and I was over the moon excited! And to be honest, I wasn't even sure I'd actually won until my good friend, the adorable and talented, Jessica Brody jumped up and down and screamed "YAY!" and I ran up to the podium to accept the reward and make a speech I barely remember (though I'm sure I used the word "awesome" at least once, maybe twice).

Also, CRUEL SUMMER was recently reviewed by the School Library Journal, and as the first part of the review is the usual plot summary, I'll just cut to the chase and show you the juice:
"The protagonist's venting and observations are alternately whiny, wistful, strident, and hilarious. Despite typical teen self-obsession, Colby is likable and ultimately well intentioned. As she deals with her feelings, she blunders her way rather charmingly into a new maturity."

Oh, and FLY ME TO THE MOON will soon be available for those who habla espanol--and I sure wish I did since I LOVE what they did with the cover!
And I just had a really fun phone interview with Andrew Horan, a writer over at Orange Coast magazine, where I indulged my secret guilty pleasure, so secret it won't be revealed until October when it hits the stands! So I'll come back then and tell you what it is!
Well, that's it for me-- but if any of you are interested in winning a signed copy of CRUEL SUMMER (or a number of books!) then head over to the delightful Tera Lynn Child's blog
where she's doing a really cool Olympic themed giveaway-- but hurry, you have only until August 25th!
And speaking of the Olympics-- are any of you watching?? I've been staying up very late just to see Michael Phelps rack up the golds! Almost makes me want to work out! Almost . . .
Alyson!! We must have been writing our posts at the exact same time!! Sorry for the overlap.
I saw a girl pick up and then buy CRUEL SUMMER yesterday in B&N. Can't wait to read it myself!
PS-I am loving the Olympics! When we beat the French I was up on my couch like Tom Cruise jumping around.
Hey Melissa- That's sooo cool- I love to hear about sightings like that since I've yet to have one myself!
I tend to go from lying on my couch to sitting whenever a race gets close- as though my tense, upright position will spur them on even faster!
Yes, I'm loving the Olympics! I'm waking up extra early before my daughter gets up to watch uninterrupted softball, soccer, and gymnastics coverage. :) Bliss.
Congrats on all the accolades. So deserved. :) I can't wait to get my hands on a copy of FLY ME TO THE MOON. Have a great weekend, Alyson!
Hey Keri-
I fell asleep last night during the women's all around-- so I missed the gold and silver and I'm totally bummed!! I mean, I only closed my eyes for a minute . . .
I'm saving my copy of Cruel Summer until my holiday in 3 weeks and 6 days...... can't wait!!!!! I know it's going to be awesome (the book that is... and the holiday hahaha)
Alyson, so wonderful about all your cool newz!! While I think all your books are cool, I'm so looking forward to Evermore!
Hey Sara- Hope you like it, and have an AWESOME holiday! Even though I don't know where you're going-- I'm still jealous!
Kelly- Aw, thanks mam! You're the best!
Wow, so much AWESOME stuff going on. Thanks for sharing.:)
Lovin' the Olympics, though I only get to watch about 30 min. right before bed.
Hey Wendy- I know, it's on sooo late- I usually fall asleep somewhere in the middle! But I've seen all the exciting Michael Phelps wins!
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