Friday, July 31
Get On Your Boots-or Wings-or Cape- or . . .

Good News Friday: A New Trailer
Let me know what you think, and have a wonderful weekend!
P.S. For a chance to win a signed copy of Miss Match, contact me via my website and write "enter me" in the email. I'll do a random drawing on Monday, Aug. 3. Good luck!
Monday, July 27
Trash talking
You see my favorite blogs have nothing to do with writing and everything to do with celebrity gossip. And believe me, this is an addiction that I've tried to break but it's been with me my whole life and it showing no signs of abating. So here are my favorite sites that I need to tune into everyday in order to stop my brain from going splat against the wall.
First stop is Pink is the New Blog. Trent is one of the funniest, coolest bloggers out there and I just love and adore his take on life, fashion and the crazy things that famous people do. He also doesn't shy away from talking about the politics that interest him as well as his relationships. In fact I love his blog so much that I even managed to slip it into my next book, however, I'm still waiting for my second round of edits and while I don't know if I'll be allowed to keep it in there I'll be trying my best.
Next in my trashy trail of goodness is the Mirror.co.uk. I lived in England for about eight years all together and in which time I formed a very deep love affair with all things tabloid and so this is my way of staying in touch. My current obsession is Jordan's attempts to slag off her ex-husband, Peter Andre. I'm sure that she and Heather Mills went to the same We Are God school.
After that I normally swing by Hello Dollface which talks mainly about beauty products but Cindy also use to run Conversations about Famous People and she still lets her gossip side out with her Daily Dollface posts which are completely hilarious and a must read
Of course, because I'm an equal opportunity sort of girl, I'm always looking to expand my favorites list, so if you've got any other sites that you think I would like (or some cure for this crazy addiction) then just let me know!!!
Friday, July 24
GNF: Ballads of Suburbia release week!

Really I can't think of much better news than my new book actually being out in stores, available for people to buy! Seriously, I'm so excited to see Ballads of Suburbia out in the world and to start to hear how people react to it.
New Book Trailer
Have a great weekend!

Part 1: Childhood & Adolescence
How about you? Any good news this week?
Be well. Don't forget to write.
Thursday, July 23
90s fashion revivial & trendiness

What about you? Are you always up on the latest trend? Ahead of the curve? Behind it? Don't really care? And what style is classic you, the way early 90s fashion is classic me?
Monday, July 20
my shopping issues
Sunday, July 19
Boys and pink
A couple of weeks ago, I was on the subway and an adorable boy, probably eleven or tweleve, was wearing a light pink shirt and jeans. When he turned in my direction, I saw his shirt said, "I like wearing pink. Get over it."
And while we were on the train, another kid saw his shirt and laughed. That mean kid started whispering to the friend he was with on the train. I almost got up and told them to stop, but I watched the kid in the pink shirt standing tall and not even looking in their direction.
When it was time for me to get off, I said superloud to the kid in pink, "I LOVE your shirt" and shot a look at the mean boys. The boy in pink grinned and I haven't forgotten the look on his face.
Fashion in this city is so different and everyone has their own look. Right now, I'm still digging that boy in pink.
Hope everyone had a fab weekend!
Friday, July 17
More GNF!!!

HUGE GLITTERY CONGRATS to Melissa on her wedding!!!
GNF: Wedding Bells!
Here's a hint at what I'm wearing for at least part of the evening. I've got my something blue covered!
I'm really excited, and ready to eat red velvet cake! Happy weekend, everyone!
Thursday, July 16
Food! Glorious Food!
That's right. I'm That Woman, the one who won't eat everything put in front of her.
About two months ago, I underwent a food conversion. I read a sentence that struck me, something along the lines of, "You can't keep doing the same thing over and over again, and expect different results." Since I'd been doing the same thing over and over again (eating the poor on-the-run diet of writers who practically live in their basements) and getting the same results (slight weight gain, low energy, raging allergies, mood swings), I decided, 'Hmm...maybe do something...different?'
That's how I became a vegan.
Yes, I realize that's a radical change, when I could have tried something more moderate first like giving up one or two items. But why be moderate when you can be extreme???
You know what, though? It really hasn't been hard. I hadn't been eating much meat or chicken for years and while I would have thought the dairy would be hard, it turns out that eating soy cheese instead is a small price for not having a runny nose and runny eyes all the time.
And I really am not totally That Woman, meaning if you invite me over, I don't expect you to make anything special on my account. Really, people seem more than happy to let me eat the salad while they eat everything else.
The benefits so far have been substantial: decreased allergies, increased energy, less dramatic mood swings, a harder body without increasing my usual exercise, and yes, weight loss.
But do I think everyone else should do as I do? Nah. I'm not one of those. And I'll only keep doing it myself so long as it makes me feel good and happy. If it stops, I'll find something else. Maybe the All-Cookie Eating Plan will be next for me? Hmm... Now if only I lived closer to those vegan cupcakes someone posted here earlier this week...
How about you?
Be well. Don't forget to write.
Monday, July 13
Cupcakes for many TFC celebrations!!!!!
Sunday, July 12
My vacation wish list
Top of my list is to travel. I have so many places I want to visit (I'm lucky enough to have visited many countries, but there are so many more).
So.... where have I visited so far: UK (does that count I lived there most of my life?), New Zealand (I live here now), Australia, Portugal, France, Italy, Greece, Corfu, Rhodes, Ibiza, Israel, Turkey, Venice, Singapore, Hawaii, San Fran, Spain, Fiji.
Where do I want to go: Vietnam, China, Hong Kong, Japan, New York, Canada, New Caledonia, Egypt, Dubai, Barbados, Peru, Switzerland, Alaska, South Africa, Russia, Poland......
Okay, I'm sure there are many more places.
What about you? Where would you love to visit, and where's the most memorable place you've been?
Friday, July 10
More GNF!!!
Huge congrats to Lauren on her awesome review of CRAZY/BEAUTIFUL. I was lucky enough to read an early copy and I can definitely say that it's all that and more!
My good news this week is that BLUE MOON was released on July 7th (yay!), and that EVERMORE landed at #4 this week on the New York Times Bestsellers List for Children's Paperbacks making for 23 weeks in the top 5 (!!!), and it's at #103 this week on the USA Today list (up 5 from last week!)!
But what I'm really really excited about is the new website my publisher put together--a destination for all things IMMORTALS--and they did such a great job, I'm totally addicted, I keep sneaking back there when I'm supposed to be working! There are chakra charts, screensavers, wallpapers, a place to download your aura--and every time you click on a tulip you will hear an audio clip of a scene not contained in the book!! To check it out for youself just click HERE!
And don't forget to subscribe so you can be the first to know about any exciting IMMORTALS SERIES news!
Well, that's it for me--how about you--what's your good news this week?!
Have a fun weekend-
Good News Friday: Early Kirkus
How about you? Got any GNF to share?
Be well. Don't forget to write.
Thursday, July 9
Heading for ALA!
1. Meeting my fabulous editor. Really, I'm excited to meet the entire Egmont team. They're all completely fabulous. Gooooooo Team Egmont!
2. Getting to hang out with some of the Great Scavenger Hunt Contest librarians. What a terrific bunch of people! If you'll be there, we're meeting near the Egmont booth at 3:30pm on Saturday. Stop by and say hi!
3. Hearing Laurie Halse Anderson speak at the Margaret Edwards luncheon. I'm delighted that I'll be joining my editor and fellow Egmont author Julia Keller for the event.
4. Meeting two of my favorite YA book bloggers. (Waving to Chelsea aka The Page Flipper and Kristi aka The Story Siren.) Chelsea is the very first reviewer to have read The Cinderella Society, so that makes it double the fun.
5. Attending the Egmont launch party Saturday night at the Art Institute of Chicago. I've heard nothing but raves about their BEA launch party, so I know this is going to be a blast. Especially since I get to hang out there with my lovely (and funny) librarian friend Cathy.
6. Did I mention books??? So many great books to discover. I'm hoping to pick up a few ARCs of upcoming Great Scavenger Hunt Contest books so I can do some special giveaways for participating Hunt librarians. We'll see how I fare while I'm there.
Who else is heading to ALA? If you've been there before, what suggestions do you have for a first-timer?
Thursday, July 2
Twilight Goes to School
Did you know that Twihards can go to summer school in Forks? I am not kidding. You can read the article here.
This is my absolute favorite, though... Edward schooled by Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Enjoy!
Wednesday, July 1
Schools Out!!
For those of you who are click shy, that’s Alice Cooper singing the infamous, end of school anthem—"Schools Out." A song they used to play in heavy rotation back in my day, especially around mid-June.
The last day of school was always my favorite day of school. Sure I liked the new clothes, the sharpened pencils, and the nervous making anticipation that the first day would bring—but what I liked even more was ditching the books I had to read in favor of the books I wanted to read and swapping my school clothes for bikinis and flip-flops. Those three, long, glorious months stretched out before me like an overfed cat. Nothing but long days—warm nights—and, as the song says, “No more pencils, no more books . . .”
So tell me, what was your favorite day of school? First or last or somewhere in between?