I heard about Odd Job Nation this week from a guest poster on I Heart Daily and author of RED: Teenage Girls in America Write On What Fires Up Their Lives Today. Cindy Morand, 20, endorses the site, saying, "The jobs are eccentric and usually one-offs, like singing a tune for $50 or playing against 'the foosball master' at someone’s office, or helping cut a tree. But having someone to pay you to do these things for an hour or two is not a bad job at all, right?"
Not bad, indeed! I'm all for these new adventures. Kinda makes me want to add to my day job.
Did you guys have teen summer jobs? What were they?!
I once had to clean the bathrooms at a public beach by my house!! I think I was like, 14 or 15.
One day I couldn't get them clean no matter what so I painted EVERYTHING white- sink, toilet, EVERYTHING.
yeah, I got fired.
I worked at a department store from the moment I turned 16 until 18 or 19. I pretty much had to work for financial reasons, but it was a really good experience!
I have never really had just a "summer" job, I usually keep them for awhile...or move on to the next job. The worst would probably have to be working in hallmark, it was my first job. I worked 9 hour days and only had 5 minute lunch. It was off the books so they could pretty much do whatever they wanted. I lasted a month, it was like child labor...ugh never again..lol..
I worked at Dunkin Donuts when I was a teen, during summer and winter break. I swear I got white-lung disease there.
I always babysat and was a nanny. I also worked at a grocery store as a high school teen (all year long, not just the summer), started off bagging groceries and ended up at the customer service booth. Great place to scope out hot guys! :)
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