I was going to blog about the movies I'm looking forward to seeing, but then, I heard the news that John Hughes passed away today. Hughes was an incredibly talented writer, director and producer of some of my generations best movies. I am leaving you with a pictorial of some of his work. It speaks for itself.

And many, many more. What was your favorite John Hughes movie?
Gosh, I was so sad to hear this.
I loved Ferris Bueller's Day Off. And what I REALLY love is I have four kids from age 4 to adult . . . and THEY all think it's funny, so it aged well (we watched it this summer).
If I am clicking through channels and see Sixteen Candles, I also love that one. The ending is perfect. :-)
I don't know. I can't pick. :-)
I agree with Erica on the favorites but they were all great movies.
He will be missed.
Aww that's sad, Ferris Bueller's Day Off and 16 Candles are my favs!
I loved them all, but watched Pretty In Pink a gazillion times-I still watch it when it comes on TV! I could totally relate to Andie back in the day.
What a sad and tragic loss, he will be missed.
The Breakfast Club is one of my all-time favorite movies, and Pretty In Pink is very close too. All great movies, though.
I was very sad to hear of John Hughes's passing, but he left us some wonderful movies that will always be discovered and enjoyed by new generations.
I was so sad to hear abou this. They were such awesome movies.
Sniff. John Hughes was a major part of my teenage years and I still can't believe he's dead. It's so sad. Pretty in Pink and Breakfast Club are probably my two favorites. And the music from his movies was AMAZING - I still listen to the soundtracks now.
I'll forever love them all, and I own the DVDs, but THE BREAKFAST CLUB rules and so does SOME KIND OF WONDERFUL (with the ending that PRETTY IN PINK should've had...). :)
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