Monday, August 8

Favorite Haunts + Little Women and Me/Crazy Beautiful Giveaway!

It's still summertime, time to be a little lazier - yea!

Here are some of my current favorite summertime haunts:

- The movie theatre. On hot days, I love going to matinees with my daughter. And my favorite thing to do there with her is take over six seats in the back row, three for each of us, and lie down on our sides head to head to watch. Since she's gotten a bit older and has always had more mature tastes, this has been the Summer of the Inappropriate Movie for us. Probably tied for first are "Friends with Benefits" and "Horrible Bosses".

- Shopping at J Crew. Everyone knows by now how short I am, but at J Crew there's always at least something that fits and the clothes last and last.

- My own dining room table. Every Friday night for over 10 years now, I've hosted a writing group in my home. It's something I always love but particularly in summer, when I can also have my (beleaguered) Mets on mute on the living room TV and when we take breaks outside the weather is conducive to sitting for a spell over a glass of good wine and good gab.

- The bench outside my front door. Over the course of the day, I take several 10-minute breaks outside to recharge. While I'm recharging, I'm also always reading. I read all year long but there's something special about summertime reading, that nostalgic feel of hot days with no responsibility but plenty of time to lie by the pool or under a shady tree and gorge on books. I'm like a tick when it comes to books. Did that image just gross you out?

- The couch in front of the TV. "General Hospital" in the afternoons, "Glee Project" on demand with my daughter, catching-up-on-movies Saturday nights with the lights out - I love it all.

So those are my summertime haunts. OK, maybe you'll think they're lame, with a serious homebody bent, but they're mine.

How about you: What are your favorite summertime haunts?

Oops, almost forgot! I'm offering a signed ARC of LITTLE WOMEN AND ME and a signed paperback copy of CRAZY BEAUTIFUL to one commenter below. Just leave a comment between now and midnight Friday and I'll randomly select the winner. Please do leave your email address if it doesn't automatically follow from your name link so I'll have a way to notify you. Thanks for playing!

Be well. Don't forget to write.


Kristen said...

I try to get poolside when I can, but I normally haunt the couch with either my laptop, a book, my e-reader, or watching tv. :) I do spend a lot of time library-haunting during the summer as well. THere's two nearby libraries that we go to at least once a week. :)

Lauren Baratz-Logsted said...

Kristen, thank you for reminding me about the library. How could I forget the library??? Like you, there are two I haunt.

Jennifer Rummel said...

My favorite summer time haunt (besides work - the library where I host tons of fun programs and get to interact with teens) is home in Vermont for the weekend. Sitting by the pool at my mother-in-law's house or the sun room there. Both are excellent places to read peacefully in quiet beautiful area.

Jenn of Frequent Reader, Infrequent Blogger said...

What are your favorite summertime haunts?
Um, my house, I don't like going a lot of places in the summer. I don't have kids so there isn't any parent related running to do and I like to stay home.

jennlovesed14 at gmail

ducttappers said...

I love going to the beach!

Stephanie Kuehnert said...

My favorite summertime haunt is my garden. I wish I could say it was the beach or the pool though. I can never seem to get there often enough!

Lexie said...

Hmm my favorite summertime haunts...well I dislike the sun so I try to stay in-doors a lot during the day, so mainly the bookstores or movie theatres.

At night though? Well my friends and I like to make costumes and take pictures so we'll find all sorts of places. In Baltimore we always take pictures down at the Water Fountains down at the Harbor, or there's a Justice building or on the Skywalk between the convention center and Hyatt (there's a great view of the clocktower that looks AWESOME in pictures).

Or I'll hang out at the local community park for the free movies and lay out in the night air because its warm enough for me to be outside without having to be bundled only for a few months out of the year.


essay writing help said...

What are your favorite summertime haunts? (с)
I love reading in the garden, play football, go swimming in the river.

jpetroroy said...

My favorite summertime haunt is my deck, reading. I can't wait for Little Women and Me!

ZoeRainDasherBenji said...

My favourite summertime haunt? My bed or a couch where I can curl up with 3 to 4 books.



Anonymous said...

The Public Library downtown. I'm in there like everyday returning and taking out books. I always wonder what the librarians think of me... Other than that, I'm usually hanging out on my bed, languishing in the sun, and reading.