Saturday, May 24

Reading Rocks!!!!!

So here's the thing..... I was chatting with a friend the other day about choosing between being a writer or a reader...... fairly quickly I decided that it would have to be reader. As much as I love writing..... I could imagine not doing it. But I could NEVER imagine not being able to read again (by read, I'm thinking fiction). How could I go on vacation and not read at least one book a day????

Then I started to think about music, TV, and movies. And again...... as much as I'd HATE to be without my music, TV, or movies.... I'd hate it more if it was books.

How about you? Where does reading figure? Would you choose music, TV, movies or writing (if you're a writer) over reading?


Chelsea said...

Haha, I was just thinking about that the other day! I thought about how I loved writing, but I like reading MORE. I was worried that doesn't make me a real "writer". Glad to hear I'm not the only one who prefers reading (although I DO love writing.)

Samantha said...

If writing didn't figure in I could easily say reading. But I get in really bad moods if I don't write for so many days. I think if I didn't read I could devote more time to writing because I'd have to come up with my own stories.

Melissa Walker said...

Reading over all for me too. I just love creating the worlds in my head; it sometimes seems like a collaborative effort with the author, and that is just cool.

Alyson Noel said...

I'm sorry but I just can't do this. I can't choose. I can't live without any of these things. They mean far too much to me!


Sara Hantz said...

Chelsea, that thought crossed my mind too. But I dismissed it!!!!

Samantha, I know what you mean about getting in a mood if you don't write for a while.

Yes, Melissa that's exactly how I feel.

Sorry, Alyson.... no abstentions allowed..... I know it's hard but you can do it....... :)

Amanda Ashby said...

Yup, I'm a reader before I'm a writer (well I figure I can sneakily break the rules by still writing in my head) but I could never give up books!!!!!

Emily said...

I'd have to say books.... even though I love writing, I could never give up my books. :D

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to say that I lost my love of reading a little while back, but there are some pretty good writers out there, so I'm buying books again and I'm liking reading. I'm sure one day I'll be able to once again say, "I love reading." So, even though it's nice to sit down with a good read, and I appreciate it very much when others support me by reading my teen fiction, movies and music come before reading. For now.