2. Smart-and-funny author Maureen Johnson has a fantastic blog post up about Bristol Palin, and I'd recommend that everyone check it out and join the comments, where there are tons of views and opinions, as there should be.
3. I just love the idea behind Jeannie Ralston's The Unlikely Lavender Queen (my mom is a big lavender lover, and she's pictured here in her gardening hat--isn't Mom cute?). Anyway, if you order Jeannie's book through the amazon "buy the book" link on her site, some of the proceeds from that sale will go to a "Seed Campaign," which will make contributions to a different charitable organization each month (including lavender farms). More info from galleycat here.
4. How could I forget? Wednesday, Sept. 10, at 6:00 PM is Teen Author Reading Night with Me, Emily Franklin, Gordan Korman, Beth Levine Ain and Robin Wasserman. Jefferson Market NYPL, 425 Avenue of the Americas, NYC
Thanks for the vlog heads up. Love your mum's hat!
Lucky you doing the reading with all those fab authors. Have fun!!!
MJ's post was fantastic. I heart her! :)
MJ wrote a great post!
Have fun at your reading!
You is busy!
Come on! Does your mom also make great chocolate chip cookies? And seasoned popcorn? And is she a knitter? I want to visit her for the weekend. Do you think she'd be open to that?
Anita, you crack me up! She's looking more magazine mom than EVER in this photo. Not a knitter, but she did used to make a mean cookie!
Your mom is darling! We (the state of Utah, that is) have a huge lavendar festival.
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