Mostly, I crave cupcakes. There is a local cupcake bakery that makes THE most amazing red velvet cupcakes with chocolate chunks and cream cheese frosting. I'm not a big red velvet person--I managed to live down South for 8 years and only have red velvet cake once--but these cupcakes, I'm telling you, are the stuff food fantasies are made of.

When I'm deep in writing mode, as I am right now (Cindy on a Mission is due to my editor on 9/1), I almost always have two essential treats on hand:
Milk chocolate caramel Treasures...
And Twizzlers (always strawberry, never cherry)...

If I had to list all of my favorite yum foods, the list would be long and distinguished. But these are my top go-to treats when I'm in writing and editing mode.
What about you? What do you crave most when you're going to indulge?
Cake. It has to be homemade or a really good bakery, but cake is my favorite indulgence.
Oh my Gosh...can I have some? Like now? You shouldn't tease me so.
We just got a cupcake shop in town and their cupcakes are fab. Definitely an indulgence. But my absolute favorite thing in the whole world (at the moment) is an eclair from this one bakery in Florence, SC. TO. DIE. FOR. Drooling just thinking about them. Yummers.
Hmmm . . . a mojito.
I've gone from a lifetime of seet to salty, so some kind of chips.
Wendy - I am such a cake girl too. Cake, cupcakes, even cake-y brownies. Mmmm.
LM - I know! Anytime someone talks about yummy treats, I crave them immediately. :-)
Mary - I hear you on the eclairs! It's not quite the same, but I adore boston creme donuts. And now that there's a Dunkin Donuts right around the corner... ;-)
Erica - Ha! Now there's a whole different kind of yummy treat. ;-) (My weakness is hot cocoa with Baileys on a cold wintery night.)
Lauren - I get on salty kicks too and potato chips are a must. I just tried the multigrain chips from Pringles. Not bad! Sun Chips are my hands down favorite but oh, how I love the smell of a freshly opened bag of Lays greasy potato chips. Heaven.
When I'm deep in writing mode, my craving is always, always chocolate. I'm not picky. Hot, cold, candy, coffee, cake. But, when I'm in "Seriously Stuck" mode, it's time to break out the hard stuff: gourmet dark chocolate chips. I think I'm addicted.
I love red velvet, but I think it's mostly for that cream cheese frosting. I'm a salt girl too.... salt and vinegar chips are tops.
H. Raven - You know what? Growing up I never liked dark chocolate. But in the last few years, there are actually moments I crave it. And with it being heart-healthy too (in moderation, of course)... score!
David - Okay, I had to go look those up. Holy smokes, do those look GOOD.
Melissa - I love the frosting too. I don't like the red velvet cake by itself, but add some nice chocolate chunks and a nice dollop of frosting and... MMMcity. I don't know if I've ever tried salt and vinegar chips - maybe you've turned me onto a new treat! :-)
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